Saturday, July 18, 2009

My TOF Baby Starts Solids

It's not the consistency it's the content!

What is usually a happy time for a parent for us well we are shit scared!
So many things are going through our mind. OK are my CPR skills up to scratch, OK don't panic you'll scare her even more.

For us the puree wasn't too much of a problem although it did take her a long time to get the idea of eating, like a month. Then at 7 months we tried mashed food Hmmm not so easy for her. That's when food started to get stuck, choking the red face you know how it is.
But we let her guide us as to when try something new until we eventually got to grains of rice, peas and corn. We were still pureeing meat mainly mince with gravy was all she could tolerate. She stayed there for ages until she was 18 months or so.

Amanda her paediatrician was a god send because you know when you take them to the Health Care Nurse and they ask about solids and where they are at. They get worried when you tell them that they can only eat mash! Amanda told me this "It's not the consistency it's the content don't worry!"
So I relaxed with it because that gave me peace of mind. But you know what? It doesn't matter, who cares as long as your child is well nourished then who gives a flying rats as too what texture it is.

THEN because I relax well! She relaxed too and she started to eat chunkier food like mince with gravy, some pasta's, pieces of bacon and sandwiches! She was about 18 months old before she had a sandwich. WOW it was great.

Still now Maddison is nearly 3 she can't eat most meats (unless chopped super fine) we have a sauce with everything. Most fruits she can't eat even though people say but it's soft! I feel like smacking them across the head! Or when they try to sneak and give them some bread custardy thing and they think it's just hilarious but really you would love to give them a treat like that but the fact of the matter is you're not doing it "because they only eat healthy foods" you're doing it because it will get stuck and they will choke and it's as simple as that!

My daughter is 3 and she has never had a lolly! Even her GP went to give her a jelly bean after I just finished telling him that she is a TOF Baby and blah blah blah.

Then on the flip side you have my poor old Mum who freaks out if she coughs and I say "Mum relax she's OK don't freak out then she will freak out"
But at least she is more then aware and I love that.
It's a fine line you know you don't want to treat them any different or give them any special treatment but at the some time we are accountable and responsible for them so we have to be cautious.

So looking back my advice is:
* Trust yourself and let them guide you
* Relax with it and don't worry about the consistency as long as the content is good.
* Make sure they are progressing if you haven't read My TOF Baby Strictures please read it's a must.
* When they do choke because they will, as hard as it is STAY CALM and just encourage them to bring it back up. Make sure their food swimming in a sauce. When they get older you can encourage them to have a drink to try to push it down instead of throwing up all the time. Now Maddie says "Towel Mummy towel" that means she needs to throw up! Isn't she graceful!

But at the end of the day it isn't anymore scary then what we have already gone through.

Maddison goes in on Wednesday for another dilation so I'll let you know how she goes.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Are you a Supermum?

Supermum’s come in all shapes and sizes and what makes each mum a Supermum is different.

Sometimes this gift is a good thing and sometimes it drives me CRAZY!

I was doing a grocery shop today with my Maddison and Milly. Maddie in the trolley and Milly in the Baby Bjorn, I’m shopping away and I went to bend down and pick up a case of milk (of course they were right down the bottom) a lady walks up and says “Do you need a hand?” And I said “That would be great, Thank you!” she was a lady in her late 50’s and she put it in my trolley and she said “You know you’re not a Supermum and you shouldn’t try to be. You look after yourself” My usual emotional self (which I’ve come to get use to and I’m ok with it!) I just felt like hugging her!

Then I thought: Why do we do it? It’s crazy! Every week I lift 12 litres of milk along with everything else in my trolley with Milly who is 9kg in the Baby Bjorn. Hello…

Why? Time management! I have excellent time management I HAVE too. I choose to have a business, blog, 2 kids under 3, build a house and do whatever else I need too. It is crucial I have excellent time management. I have to calculate every minute I have sleeps, solids, bottles, business and blog to fit everything around everyday. (not to mention the 5000 loads of washing)

That makes you a Supermum!

My Mum is a Supermum she had all of the housework done by 9am! House was always spotless she was always on top of her game and she had 5 kids and she worked. Maybe it’s her fault! She lifted the bar to high. Now I have these crazy exceptions of myself and the only time I sit down during the day is to work.
But you know, I love that she made me make my bed because now I hate an unmade bed. I can’t think straight if the house is untidy or unorganised. Why? We are creatures of habit it’s what I am used too. My mum made us drink water growing up, now I drink oodles, I can’t not. Little things you don’t realise that shape us into the Supermum's we are today.

So Mum, I love what you have moulded me this way otherwise I wouldn’t get anything done! I’d be fluffing about all day long achieving nothing. Then I really would be crazy!

Chris said last night why don’t you just do the shopping on Friday (my child free WORK day) I said I NEED that day to work. I have one day in the week that I can sit down and work from morning to night I need it and it is a very productive day.

I choose to organise my week around my Fridays so they are free to work, work, work.

What crazy things happen in your house?

What Makes You Smart?

If you are “smart” you believe “smart” has more then one facet.
Are you smart?

• If you are a spiritual person you will believe you have a core.
• If you are a scientific person you will believe you have a chemical balance.
• If you are a builder you will believe you are structurally sound.
• If you are into computers you will believe in your hard drive.

No matter whom you are or what you believe in. Everyone has a core that balances you and makes you feel right.
If you are lucky you know what you believe in and you get to do it everyday and this will balance you. Hopefully it is your job and excelling in your field with passion, love & laughter, this is what makes you smart.

Then sometimes life throws you a curve ball and brings you off balance.
You know when things happen and with in an instant they can take you back to a time like it was yesterday. I had one of those moments this week and unfortunately it wasn’t a good moment. Which lead me to this……?

If you’re off centre, you don’t have sound scaffolding or you are missing your hard drive.
You can’t function to your full potential. It is like wearing an uncomfortable or ill fitted bra. It will kind of do the job maybe but not well, and in the long run not at all.

So think of a bra as setting the foundation, if you get that right the rest will just fall into place. Improve posture, it is very slimming, very comfortable and it will make your clothes look nicer and give you confidence.

Like life if you can get your foundation, core, chemical balance (whatever) if you get that right the rest will just work. So when life gives you a curve ball you can quickly tweak it and you’ll be back on track.
