This has to be the only time a woman fears going shopping!
So let me break it down for you. Ask yourself-
* What do you like most about yourself? Concentrate on those assets and camouflage the other not so flattering assets. That way you will create balance.
Know your body shape- Are you A,V, X, 8, O, H or I
How to find the right swimsuit for your shapeH and I Body Shapes
Do: Try to create curves and shape
Don't: Wear sporty style swimsuits they will do nothing for you.
Try To: Draw attention to your hips by wearing bottoms that sit on your hips, this will create shape. Look for Tops with ruffles, a balconette bra or halter necks will add shape and strapless one-pieces are great for H and I body shapes.
V Body Shapes
Do: Draw attention to your bottom half and minimize the top
Don't: Wear Halter neck styles or tops with detail at the top. Your aim is to draw attention away from your shoulder line so plunging necklines and tiny bikini bottoms are out.
Try to: Find Bikini bottoms that have lots of colour/print and also has something like ties, belts and sashes at your hip. Go for wide shoulder straps and square necklines and your 2 seconds away from gorgeous.
A Body Shapes
Do: Draw attention
away from your hips and behind.
Don't: Wear Boy legs, skimpy bottoms and anything with a frill on your swimsuit bottoms.
Try to: Create activity on the top half, like bows or frills that will draw the eye up and to give you balance. You can also wear a solid colour bottom with a print top.
O Body Shapes
Do: Try to show skin in the right places ;)
Don't: Wear anything with a lot of pattern or print.
Try to: Wear a suit that will accentuate your curves and give shape. Cross-over necklines are flattering and solid straps are great to keep you well balanced. A deep V neckline is perfect also Darker colours are best.
X and 8 Body Shapes
Do: Emphasize your curves.
Don't: Wear anything that has any details at your Hip or low-cut legs.
Try to: Look for a swimsuit that has structure and support at your bust. A sleek one piece or two piece it may have a Halter neck, wider straps and underwire will ensure your comfort and also provide a beautiful shape. Go for high cut legs, it will add length to your body shape.
What color swimwear will suit me?
Most people can wear color when they wear swimsuits.
Patterns can be tricky as can fluorescent they can make you look larger, so keep it simple.
Golden Rule: Flaunt your assets and draw attention AWAY from your problem areas.
Don't try to cover yourself with board-shorts or sarongs you will end up making yourself look larger. You are drawing attention
to it not
from it.
You can get lovely swimwear dresses or fitted kaftan's, look for those.